Bible Study

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Join us for an in-depth Bible study Thursdays at 10 am and 7 pm.

Current Study: "You Lost Me At Leviticus" 


The book of Leviticus was the first book studied by a Jewish child, but it is often the first book to be skipped by the Christian reading their Bible through in a year!  

It can seem completely foreign to us as we try to understand the list of laws regarding sacred space, diet, sacrifices, and social behavior.  Here we go through each chapter looking at the why and how the Ancient Israelite would have understood these things in relation to other worship systems in the Ancient Near East.

Then in understanding these things we can then see the patterns by which Jesus did these things and fulfilled them! We also contrast it with the book of Hebrews in proclaiming that the new covenant far exceeds the old covenant.


No other book in the Bible fascinates people the way the book of Revelation does. No other book confuses people more than the book of Revelation does either! Both to those that won't read it because it is confusing and to those who think they have solved the mystery of it but in reality do not understand the symbols and imagery to be based in the Old Testament.

Year after year someone claims the "End is Near" or that we're living in "The Last Days" and that "The Rapture" will be happening any moment now. Yet, Jesus clearly stated in Matthew 24:36 that no one knows the day or the hour and in Acts 1:7 that no one knows the seasons or the times in which the Father has fixed. But that doesn't stop them from making speculative claims or a myriad of fancy charts.

It is here in this study we set out to examine what it is that the book of Revelation is truly revealing and it isn't about the End of the World!